Stem Cells – Stimulating the Healing Within You
Your body has the natural ability to heal itself with stem cells and their derivatives.
As you get older, the amount of stem cells you have in your body are greatly reduced and are not as effective. With the advancements in science over the past 20 years, stem cells have emerged as a key element of regenerative medicine therapies.
Our Regenerative Stem Cell injections are derived from an umbilical cord tissue/blood product that captures all the greatest regenerative properties of this otherwise discarded tissue. Our brand of Stem Cell injectables uses a proprietary method of isolating growth factors, cells and stem cells giving our patients the best possible benefits from a regenerative medicine product. The stem cell product used in our clinic is produced in compliance with FDA CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) and GTP (Good Tissue Practices) standards, which assures quality and safety in this product.
Important Fact About Regenerative Medicine Options
- Research has shown that umbilical cord-derived stem cells are not susceptible to malignant transformation in a serum-free medium, making them safe for therapeutic use in patients for cell therapy.
- Umbilical cord-derived stem cells continue to excrete proteins and growth factors for about 3 months.
- Amniotic fluid-derived products contain healing growth factors and proteins but have no live cells due to the snap freezing process necessary to store and transport.
- Amniotic fluid-derived proteins and growth factors last approximately 24-48 hours in the body.
- From a cost benefit perspective, an injection of amniotic fluid may seem more cost effective without understanding the potency level and necessity for several added injections in quick succession to realize significant results.
Benefits of Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy
Your body has the natural ability to heal itself with stem cells and their derivatives. As you get older, the amount of stem cells you have in your body are greatly reduced and are not as efficient. With the advancements in science over the past 20 years, stem cells have emerged as a key element of regenerative medicine therapies.
Stem cells have the ability to change into other cell types in your body and release growth factors. They can renew themselves by replication. These properties enable stem cells to repair damaged tissue such as muscle, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
Stem cells are immunomodulatory which means they have the potential to naturally control your immune system which is needed for healing.
Stem cells release certain proteins and growth factors that can be very helpful in controlling pain and inflammation in the body. Stem cells play a critical part of regenerative medicine.

How Do Stem Cells Work?
Once stem cells are deployed. They act by first homing to sites of injury. They release growth factors which help in controlling the inflammatory response that in turn heals tissue and other cells. In addition, they have the ability to increase blood flow to an area by forming new blood vessels.
The Difference Between Different Stems Cells is Potency
Umbilical cord stem cells are a type of cell called Mesenchymal (MCS). MSCs have the ability to migrate and target specific tissues. This property called homing is an event that allows cells to migrate from a remote area in the body to find a damaged organ or tissue in a specific site. This is the mechanism by which MSCs are infused intravenously and reach the affected areas of the body to perform its regenerative functions. Umbilical cord blood provides these most potent of stem cells.